Monday, April 23, 2012

How to Write a Letter to the President

How to write a letter to the President:

The Golden rule of letter writing is to be as rude as possible.

You are Right. And The President is Wrong.

This is important, because the president obviously didn't get to being the president without a great smile and muscled pecks. If you had those things, you'd be president too, but unfortunately you only have your keen fundamentalist mind and the boatloads of lobbyists that campaign on your behalf.

Ask For Money.

The president has no idea how hard you work in your daily life. You deserve a nice cushy break so that you can think about what's wrong with this country. So make sure that you insist that the big man himself takes time out of his busy schedule to personally intervene with financial assistance. I mean, come on, have you seen how inefficient Social Security Is?

Call Him a Muslim.

Because if you repeat it enough times, it has to be true. Also, take a picture of yourself and send it the letter with the words, "Come and Get me, ASSHOLE!". I know the point is to be as rude as possible, but it's only courteous to provide an easy face to match. We wouldn't want them sending an innocent man to abu ghraib.

And That's How you Do It.

Everyone knows that being president is the easiest Job in the book. It's important to remind him of that so that he can fix all the massive problems in this country that no one wants to fix themselves.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Planes of Motion and Dimensionality

How Four dimensional perception is possible!
There has been some confusion about how fourth dimensional space can be percieved, so I made a small diagram that I think may help illustrate the concept.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Space and Time Don't Exist

Space and Time Don't Exist

What is Space?

String theory tells us that we live in ten spacial dimensions, plus one time dimensions. The major three dimensions are complemented by tiny, curled up dimensions which are too small for us to see or move through. This may be so, but space changes shape with change in eye number.

For example, we humans have two eyes that can each pivot close to 180 degrees. This means that we can track items from the left and to the right, and from the top and to the bottom. But our eyes also perceive things from back to forth. If we pivot our eyes in towards each other, then we look closer. The more parallel we make our lines of sight, the farther away we see things!

We could easily see in the fourth dimension with three cameras mounted in a triangular formation, all of them able to focus on the same point in space. A single camera that can pivot can see the world in two dimensions, and what's more, if you limit a camera so that it can look only straight ahead at a fixed point, and not pivot, you have 1-dimensional reality.

What is Time?

We measure time in seconds, but seconds are actions. Actions are measured in terms of other actions. Is there a universal standard of "action" which which we can measure all other actions? The Newtonian theory said yes, but general relativity says no. But, when you think about it, general relativity also says that that light moves at the same speed through a vacuum relative to all movement. You can be going 99 percent the speed of light, and light will still be traveling away from you at the speed of light. What does this mean, it means that the distance light travels during the interval of any action is a perfect measuring stick.

So, for example, in the time it takes for me to press a key on the keyboard, light in a vacuum will have traveled a certain distance relative to that keystroke. We can then translate the amount of time that key-stroke took by using the distance light traveled, and compare that distance with the amount of distance light travels in, say, a second.

So, what the f%#k is gravity?

I have no effing idea. Interesting, though, ain't it?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Espanglish: Espanches


Spanish is the language that you learn when you go down south to mexico. It is the language you learn when you travel to spain. It is a romance language, descended from universal latin. It is beauty, romance, and power. This is not the language that is being created in the south of texas. There, we have a new language, a spanglish of sorts. I don't speak spanish, but I speak a kind of spanish-english hybrid. For example, I might say something like this: Es necesito por me parquiar al fronte del estructo. What does this translate to? I must park in the front of the building(Lit: It is neccessary for me to park myself at the front of the structure.)

This language is incredibly fun. And what's more, it is much easier to understand if you are a native english speaker who is learning spanish. Try to understand the next few paragraphs:

Por supuesto, no es obviar por los gentes del sur de Tejas lo entender. Y está porque es necesario que los personas del sur ser istruyido de esta idioma estreño. Que primer, haberíamos creatado un libro que los presenta las frases nueves. Communicando consistamente se trabaja al solidad de la idioma. ¿Y entonces los pópulos se entienden?

Ok. So, what did I just say? Here's a translation, followed by a literal translation:

Of course, it isn't obvious for the people of south texas to understand it. And it's because it's necesary that the people of the south are instructed in this strange language. And so first, we will have created a book that presents the new forms. Consistent communication will work towards solidity of the language. And then will the people understand it?

Wow! This is fun! So, ¿De que nombre lo haberíamos llamado? ¡Espanches, Por Supesto!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Poetry and Writing

So, it is easy to write a poem these days. Anybody can do it. Yet, a huge number of people flock to poetry critique sites.They want others to tell them how good their poem is. They don't want critique, they want praise. Still others know this, and they go to these websites and shoot down the newbs in flames. And why not? It's all personal subjective opinion, right? Everyone has their own view, and my view is that your poetry sucks, or that you don't know how to write poetry.

Haha. People are funny. Postmodernism became popular at a few Ivy League schools. Next thing you know, the sky is red and your mom is hot. Well, the sky isn't red. Your mom isn't hot(those are just hot flashes, buddy), and your poetry sucks.

The basic thing though, is that it is poetry. Pretty much any message is poetry, but good poetry is interesting. It is witty. It is sad. It gets you thinking and it's not random. So, poetry is beautiful message. Yep. What message might be sent? What do we talk about with poetry? Anything. Anything.

For example, let's take something we can all relate to: The government of the united states.

American Governor

They said the chin-chin men
would violate our territory.

They said the beaner hats
would steal our precious jobs;
highly valued dishwashers.

And they said the coco-man
love white leche most of all.

But see their children wearing
paper sailor hats. See them
blowing bubbles on the walk.

Makes me think
I've been lied to all along.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Computer's and Stuff

A dinosaur of a comptuer

I am sitting in the front of my computer screen. It's a windows box, but I hate windows. Instead of windows, I use Slackware Linux on my personal desktop. And yet, because of problems with my personal one, I can only use the internet on this one. So I am forced into an uneasy truce between slackware linux, which I think is awesome, and Windows XP, which I tolerate.

I'm quite in the past, actually. My desktop computer is an older beast with outdated hardware. It has an AMD Athlon +2700 single core processor, which is ancient. The computer has about 80 gigabytes of hard drive and has about 1gig of ram! So it's a miracle that I am able to do all the stuff that I can do on that computer.

What do I use my computer for? Usually, I edit documents, create documents, and design graphics. I also try to do a bit of programming from time to time, but I not good at that. It's mostly great for just tinkering with, and it's lightning fast.

Not bad for a dinosaur. :-D

Saturday, April 7, 2012

La Compa Luza

Hello. My name is Barranto, and this is my web-blog. I don't think I will be posting much here. I will try to post my thoughts. I hope that some of it is interesting. Maybe I'll get some comments. So, what is this blog about? Mostly various things. I have asperger's syndrome, so I might talk about that. I've lived with it my whole life. I might post some poetry on here, too.

I would really like to learn how to computer program. It seems very daunting, that stuff. I want to try anyway, and so first I will learn Python. Python is an interpreted language, which means that it is not as complex or deep as a language for making programs.

Also, Python can be used with a lot of different software. And there's a lot of good extensions on the software. Other than that, though, I don't know too much about the language.

I also would like to learn spanish. Sometimes I might post in spanish on here, just because. I should be fun!

En Nomenae Padrii, Fili, et spiritus Sanctii.

Here's a link to a forum that I like: