Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Poetry and Writing

So, it is easy to write a poem these days. Anybody can do it. Yet, a huge number of people flock to poetry critique sites.They want others to tell them how good their poem is. They don't want critique, they want praise. Still others know this, and they go to these websites and shoot down the newbs in flames. And why not? It's all personal subjective opinion, right? Everyone has their own view, and my view is that your poetry sucks, or that you don't know how to write poetry.

Haha. People are funny. Postmodernism became popular at a few Ivy League schools. Next thing you know, the sky is red and your mom is hot. Well, the sky isn't red. Your mom isn't hot(those are just hot flashes, buddy), and your poetry sucks.

The basic thing though, is that it is poetry. Pretty much any message is poetry, but good poetry is interesting. It is witty. It is sad. It gets you thinking and it's not random. So, poetry is beautiful message. Yep. What message might be sent? What do we talk about with poetry? Anything. Anything.

For example, let's take something we can all relate to: The government of the united states.

American Governor

They said the chin-chin men
would violate our territory.

They said the beaner hats
would steal our precious jobs;
highly valued dishwashers.

And they said the coco-man
love white leche most of all.

But see their children wearing
paper sailor hats. See them
blowing bubbles on the walk.

Makes me think
I've been lied to all along.

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